Building a community of leaders filled with confidence & positivity

The Beginning

Championship Training began with two athletes. We didn’t have a building, so we trained year-round in local parks in Missoula. Those two athletes’ commitment and success helped build Championship Training into the gym it is today. October 1st 2009 we were able to open the dojang in an old warehouse, complete with a leaky ceiling, a scary bathroom, and rats. We opened with 5 athletes. We quickly moved from that location into our previous location on Stephens Ave attached to the Church of the Gates. That location served us well for 10 years, but as our gym grew larger, so did our vision. Although we no longer have rats, a leaky roof, or scary bathrooms, we continue to have a personalized focus on each student and a love of martial arts and physical and mental wellbeing. Championship Trainings’ purpose is to build strong, positive, and confident leaders in our community and share our dream and passion of embodied healing.


Taekwondo is the Korean art of self-defense. Literally translated, TAE means kick or to strike with the foot, KWON means fist or to strike with the hand, DO means discipline or art. Beyond the physical aspect of the martial art, it is designed as a non-violent practice and system of complete body exercises as well as being a way of life. It includes physical techniques, mental discipline, and a deep philosophy. Practicing Taekwondo offers a myriad of benefits, including:

PHYSICALLY - Students will develop coordination, gain strength, increase flexibility, and improve cardiovascular conditioning. All of these physical aspects help to develop a strong body.

MENTALLY - Students will build self-confidence, gain better judgment, and improve self-control. All of these mental disciplines help to develop a sound mind.

PHILOSOPHICALLY - While developing a strong body and a sound mind, it is appropriate to learn the valuable philosophical tools and lessons in life offered by Taekwondo philosophy. Among these lessons:

- The way to be honest, always standing for justice.
- How to respect and help others.
- The meaning of loyalty and courtesy.

By incorporating these aspects into their lives our students continue to develop strength, humility and selfrespect.

Corbin Crew

Self Defense

We teach empowerment. We believe that every person has the right to feel safe and to protect themselves. No one should have to go through life scared or afraid due to someone else. Our self-defense program is structured to teach you how to get away from scary or unsafe situations. Self Defense is the ability to get home safe. We teach selfdefense skills to defuse and leave situations.

We also teach students to fight, however we do see these as two separate things. When self-defense doesn’t work you must be able to mentally, emotionally, and physically fight. Hopefully you will never need these skills but if you do, we want you to have them.

We offer self-defense training as part of our curriculum or as individual groups of 6 or more.

Competition Team

One of the great things we offer is the chance to be a member of our Competition Team. This team is open to all ages and rank and is designed for students that want to spend extra time focusing on the sport of Taekwondo. These students train for sport TKD in addition to their regular classes. Competition Team members get the opportunity to compete all over the United States and have the option to train to compete internationally as well. In the last few years the Competition Team has won multiple State Championships and International Medals. Students are not required to be part of the Competition Team to compete, however if you are interested in competing and training to compete at high levels, we offer an elite program.


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